Gegen Hass im Netz #GHIN
Together against hatespeech
Hate online is not a minor offense. The current situation online is alarming, with more and more cases of cyberbullying, racist attacks and other traumatizing hate attacks flooding the Internet. As a provider, Magenta Telekom is aware of its responsibility to ensure an open Internet. They want to unhate the internet.
Hate online is a big problem.
There are many cases of cyberbullying and racist attacks.
Magenta Telekom wants to make the internet a better place.
They want to stop hate online.

Gegen Hass im Netz #GHIN
Together against hatespeech - a campaign by Magenta Telekom in cooperation with ZARA.
Gegen Hass im Netz #GHIN
Therefore Magenta Telekom has changed the General Terms and Conditions, in order to take a clear position against online hate and encourage people to report hate postings to the relevant authorities. For this purpose, they're working together with the organization "ZARA - Zivilcourage & Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit“, which offers free advice from psychosocially and legally trained specialists.
Magenta Telekom has updated its rules.
They want to fight against hate online.
If someone sees hate online, they can report it.
Magenta Telekom is working with ZARA.
ZARA helps people for free if they have problems with hate online.